Rant, I saw this YouTube Clip called "A FAT RANT" and thought I'd add it to my Blog because when you have a weight problem there isn't anything in what she said, that you can't fully understand. So, as I watched it I couldn't' help but think, hmmm girl I hear ya! I hear ya, I hear ya!
Then I listened to the dude's response to what people wrote about what she had to say on YouTube and I thought, dude more power to ya! I hear ya! I hear ya, and yeah your cute!
Then I listened to The Morning Show debate and I thought, YOU GO LADY!!!!!!!!! Good for ya! Rant and let that skinny beetch have it and the skinny dude host too.
Rant! I think at times we all want to. Especially when it comes to peoples prejudice and assumptions when it comes to how they see heavy set people.
RANTTTTTTTTTTTT yeah, I wanna rant, every single time I go into a store to buy something to wear, and it stops being cute at a size 8. Or I can't get a pair of boots to go past my cankles much less over my calf's. Rant because I'm more comfortable in a large Handicap cubical than I am in a small toilet cubical where I can barely turn around to close the door without having my legs pressed up against the commode.
Yes I'm fat, and Yes I want to loose weight, But get this, I don't want to be rail thin, I just want to be in between, where I still have back, (A nice shaped booty) and curves in all the right places. Ok I can always wish.
No, I don't enjoy being fat and being linked to all the words associated with being fat, whether it be Big gal, plus sized, pleasingly plump, thick, full figured, or wow, your a big girl ain't ya! I beg your pardon, who you calling BIG? actually I'm a medium sized girl in a big girls body can't you see? That's my inner child crying, but as you tag me with names like the above to cover my hurt I put a brave face on it and smile.
I don't wear fat well, and I don't feel well wearing excess fat on my body.
Being fat is draining to me, I get tired easily, my joints hurt, I sweat more, snore loudly and the slightest exertion makes me feel as though I'm about to have a heart attack. But that doesn't mean that just because I feel this way, anyone else with a weight problem must too.
I don't feel pretty, desirable, or sexy and being fat doesn't help my self esteem. But that's doesn't mean that someone who is heavy, isn't pretty, dersirable and sexy.
When I feel like being sexy and want to do a strip tease, when I throw my full sized french cut panties at my man, the last thing I want him to even try to think is that my panties are as big as a half slip. Just because they aren't a size 5. Now maybe he doesn't think that way, but lets face it that's what I'm thinking because society makes being heavy bad, so is it impossible that he might not for a spilt second think the same thing too. HMMMMM! Honey, do I look fat to you?
Ok I get it that you love me just the way I am, but dude that wasn't the question.
That being said, since I'm not blind of course I see beautiful fat, pleasingly plump, full figured, thick, plus sized people, women and men who look good heavy. And they carry the weight in a way that I can't, don't and won't ever carry it.
They carry it in a way that reflects just how intact their self esteem is despite being fat. They dress and what they wear compliments their body, they know how to shop for plus sized cloths that flatter their wobbly bits, when the clothes I buy draw attention to all my wobbly bits and all the bits that don't wobble.
Some of them are (and I write that trying not to make it seem like they are creatures from another planet, because if they are, I am too.) But some of them, are physically a lot fitter than I am and a lot of them are a lot heavier than I am. Take Monique, when she danced like Beyonce, I'd like to see me try that, without dripping buckets of sweat and pleading for a mask just so that I can get some oxygen. Sometimes just standing up is a huge production for me or so it feels at times.
When your heavy and comfortable in your skin, you don't lay in bed with your lover and thank gravity for pulling everything back as it slips towards the mattress when your laying on your back. You don't fear trying different positions that might cut off your air way, as he tries to hike your legs up in a position that because your fat seems almost obscene. When your comfortable in your body you don't thank God for the extra thick curtains that you bought that make night seems 10 times darker. So instead of checking you out with his eyes, it's almost as though he has to check you out in brail.
When your comfortable in your own skin, non of the above happens but it does for a fat person who isn't comfortable with being fat, a fat person that is constantly trying to find the cure to their obesity. Trust me when I say that I wish that I were more like them, comfortable in my fat, because it would sure make things a lot easier if I were. God knows I wouldn't have to battle society and then turn around and fight against myself. Do you know how much lighter I would feel if that were the case?
But I ain't gonna lie, a lot of what A Fat Rant talks about, I have experienced because I've been there and am still there even though I'm working really hard to walk away from where there is.
People unfortunately judge a book by it's cover, time and time and time again. Oh course the skinny women has to be healthy, God help the fat person that would ever claim to be, what a lot of bollocks. Size has nothing to do with High blood pressure or cholesterol.
I'm fat but I'm not suffering with either thank God.
I've seen Manuel Uribe Garza the fattest man in the world (pictured above) bed ridden and doing exercises and making it look like water off a ducks back, and I'm God only knows how many hundred of pounds pounds lighter than he is, and tell me to do a few upper body exercises and I end up whining like a freeken baby. Go figure!
End of rant!