I've being working really hard at prepping myself for my six week
commitment to follow David
Kirsch's plan. Dotting all my
I's and crossing all my T
's I've devoted the last few days to slowly reading his book and completing all of the written exercises, and I'm proud of myself for mentally gearing up to the challenge ahead of me, instead of rushing ahead to follow a plan without really knowing what it's really all about.

Part of the preparation involves getting my
LDL and
HDL cholesterol checked, So, I've made an appointment to have both checked on September 13
th and I will officially start the program on the 16
th, almost 4 whole weeks away.
In the meantime I'm going through with everything Kirsch recommends. I'm using my note book to jot down my feelings in regards how I feel about the program as well as answering the questions that he asks and following things he recommends.
I've started to purchase, the basic "please have if possible." pieces of equipment for my make shift home gym, things like 2 lbs dumb bells and medicine balls, following his recommendation to start light and work your way up, I can handle that. I know that even with 2 lb weights lack of activity is going to make it feel like 50.
I have yet to invest in a exercise mat, 5 lb ankle weights, new work out clothes, and new sneakers. Now, I know that I don't have to follow the program to extremes, by getting all the please have if possible things, but I've always approached weight loss and exercise half
heartedly, meaning I would buy a book, and skip over all the
introductory pages and focus on what I felt was most important. Or I'd buy a work out
dvd and watch the style with which the warm up was done and then decide
naw it's not for me.
Or I'd fork over lots of money for a program and have the representative tell me how it works, after I parted with the money, only to discover that it is another nutritionally based supplement diet. So, since I've never really committed my all 100%, this time around I've decided to shift gears, to stop doing what I've always done in order not to end up with what I've always got.
This time, I'm taking it all in, and positioning myself for the new start that he talks about, new mind set, new openness, no goals, new focus, new
commitment, new out look, new way of thinking , new work out clothes, new sneakers, new pieces of exercise equipment. New makes sense to me. It makes sense that by placing myself back into old molds there results will more than likely be the same. Yeah I could wear my old
fuddy duddy faded, dis-shaped, tee shirts, and my cheap sneakers that aren't comfortable, set myself up for possible failure, but I do want to change all of that, I want to feel good about what I'm doing, and if new work out clothes can help to improve my state of mind, I'm all for it.

Now here's the big one, the CRUNCH, the proof of the pudding, which willing surely be in the eating Crunch.
Lawd have mercy, Kirsch wants the reader to clean house, as in where you house your food. Yeah,

Clean, as in OUT!

all white foods, such as flour, pasta, sugar, rice, bread, and all processed can and frozen fruit and veggies, in fact he gives you a list. GULP! Now folks, not for nothing, but I want to do this program, his way and not mine. I want to do it right so, if I'm in for a penny shouldn't I be in for a pound too?
So why is it that I am having a pretty hard time wrapping my head around this one. I mean I almost broke into a cold sweat when I read his instructions. throw out, as in OUT, OUT? uh uh, throw, bung, toss, discard, just get rid of it baby girl.
And this is my rational as to why I can't.
1. People are dying of hunger all over the world. So I can't, it wouldn't be right.
2. My boyfriend needs it.
3. What if I have guests and don't have any canned veggies? (I never have guests, duh)
4. Real food is too expensive.
5. My pantry will be empty.
6. I can't do that,
7. Is he crazy?
8. Let me read that part again.
9. Maybe I can switch this part of the program up with someone e
lse's program.
10. Girl what's so hard? Why can't you do this?
Using my boyfriend as an excuse, is just that a really bad excuse. He doesn't care if the pasta is whole wheat or not, and he doesn't care if the veggies are fresh or frozen, in fact he'd appreciate the fresh veggies more. So what's the big deal, really? THINKINGWell, if it's not in the house I can't eat it and my emotional security blankey will be gone, that's it in a nut shell. I'm an emotional eater and food represents emotional security, and without food to cushion my moods I will have to find something else.With this one aspect of the program, I find myself fighting to win, knowing that this is a no win situation, after all, it's either want it as much as I say I do or I'm kidding myself into thinking that I do, when in fact I don't.It's got to be either all or nothing, because it can't be both. I can't expect results, if I'm going to tell the teacher that, although his way is tested and proved I've decided to do my way with the option to blame him and his program if and when my way doesn't work........Bottom line, I'm gonna do it his way, because my way sure won't work.