Saturday, July 7, 2007


Cookies 2 Well it's Sunday and the official weigh in day for my South Beach challenge, get this, I ain't scared, because with or without clothes I'm nowhere, where I was when I started one week ago.
Feeling good, wouldn't you know it, I just so happened to walk past a packet of butter cookies, and I swear they called my name. And for a moment I stopped in my tracks did a double take and imagined the cookies in my mouth, crunch, crunch, crunch then I came to my senses and as I looked at the cookie packet, I thought, girl you better get ta steppin. And I did. I am working really hard at this. I'm determined to succeed, though I have a long way to go, and still look fat even though I've lost ___________ amount of pounds.

Anyway, I'll post my weight a little later on. until then good night!

Friday, July 6, 2007


Grocery I went food shopping for my daughter today, because she's still taking it easy since she had the baby. Anyway, I ended up buying everything that I thought she and her boyfriend would need, including treats, and when I was done, I picked up the Chinese food that I had ordered for them too. But here's the difference, I did not buy a single thing for myself food wise okayyyyyyy... and I didn't order myself any Chinese food. Me! Not ordering Chinese food is like Idaho potatoes being dug up in New Mexico.

Now as much as I love Chinese food, I had to make a stand by resisting the temptation to order anything for myself, much less to stay around and watch them eat it. Chinese Restaurant

I didn't try to convince myself that if I ordered something like chicken, shrimp or beef and broccoli that would be cool, after all it's protein with vegetable. Naw, Naw, Naw, I'll tell you what it is, it's out of control eating waiting to happen.

Trust me, I've been down that road many, many, many times, including this past 4Th of July. With my "oh I'll bake a peach upside down cake for the barbecue get together and I won't have a single piece, (But ended up having 2) wishful, I have control (Yeah right) and it ain't gonna happen kind of thinking. Knowing full well that I would and sure enough I did.

So whilst I have a not chowing down on Chinese food victory, wouldn't you know it, I'm past starving, and thinking to myself, we're "we want it now people, instant, quick and ready to go." Yet here I am hanging out with a Perdu Chicken hoping that it will defrost like yesterday just so that I can cook something South Beach friendly and healthy. Oh Well

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Treadmill Ok, so in my earlier post I mentioned that I had my gym bag with me but that I didn't want say I would go to the gym just incase I ended up not going. Well I went to the gym!
I did it, I did it, I did it, and for the first time ever I felt really good about exercising.

I did a total of 30 minutes on the treadmill, and a 10 minute warm up. I burned 210 calories and I was smiling inwardly and out.

I got weighed and measured so here it is.

Shoulders 30 1/2
Bust 47 1/2
waist 44 3/4
arms/biceps 16
Hips 48
Thighs 22 ( I had measured the upper part of my thighs they measured the lower)
calf Right 17
Weight 227 With clothes on. (I have lost some weight)
BM1 39

I'm smiling........... Good night! Good Night Dreaming Time to dream about the Beach!


High Five 5 So it's day 5 and I'm back on track, after my minor slip up.

I've haven't really been on top of the water so I'm about to change that, in fact, hold on, let me go get some now. You can count till I get back,1 2, 3 - 40.... Come on, I didn't take that long to get back. Ok. Less parched. Where was I?

Oh yeah, I'm back on track, and get this I have my work out cloths with me. Yeah I know, I know, what matter of maddness is this? Be Shocked

Seriously though, maybe it's me wanting to make up to myself by getting a work out in, but I want to work out today, so we'll see, I'm not making any promises that at 5 I'll head in the direction of the gym and do what I need to do to get firm and slim, but there's a 50/50 chance that it could happen.

Now tell me if I'm the only one, that looks at their body parts and all there wobbly bits and thinks what the heck!

Well let me see, after months of realization that I have cankles in stead of ankles, I have now discovered a word that fits a good descritpion of what was once my chin and neck. Chineck. Yes folks I have a chineck another body part blending where the mass of fat from one body part does a fat slide into another, hence CANKLES and now a CHINECK! Jesus Help me!

Now from the side it looks like I have Chinecks, from the front it looks like I have a Chin - eck but from a frontalside position, I definately have a CHINECK. After three, 1, 2, 3 What the Heck!

Lawd knows I'd cover it up if I could, but I ain't no bandit. Bandit 2 So I have no choice but to loose the weight so that I can have a seperate chin and neck again.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Banana Peel Oops I was good, so good infact, that I felt good about being good. Then I had to go and spoil it by cutting into the peach upside down cake that I made. First I cut a tiny piece and ate it, then cut another piece that wasn't as tiny as the first. Ain't that why you made it? Nope honestly I thought I could resist and I did, right up until 10.45 P.M 4th of July.

Truth of the matter is, I didn't even taste it, I didn't enjoy it, didn't need it, didn't want it. So why did I eat it? I don't know. But remember when I wrote about not letting a holiday like the 4th of July sabotage my best efforts to succeed. Maybe what I should have wrote and chewed on first is Why do I always willing to sabotage my wanting to succeed?

Oh well, I'm only human, and in my humanness with the damage already done and undoable, one thing I do know is that I don't want to do further damage by eating anything else for the evening. Because I'm already full of me hindering my own progress.

I am at times my own worst enemy. But more later.

For now however, what I'm not going to do is, Club beat myself over the head, no instead I'll take responsibility for what I did, and move on.
It's a journey, where I have a choice to stop Street Light and take advantage of the fact that I can allow myself to take a U turn and turn my self around.

Tomorrow is another day, another opportunity to succeed. And I will.


Happy Hat Liberty Flag Happy 4th of July!


Well, not only is it the 4th of July, but today is also prove I'm Not A Dumbbell Day because, if I don't it will be so easy for me to undo all the hard work that I've put into the last full 3 days on South Beach.

It's tempting to chow down on a day like this, because it's basically what's expected, but here I am seriously having to question Question Mark whether or not an expectation that's going to sabotage my best effort is worth it. Hmm. Thinking I Think Not

Now I know that there will be tons of food, hell I'm even going to bake a peach upside down cake and for a couple of day I found myself dealing with should I or shouldn't I bake the cake, then sample a small piece or eat a large piece because it's a holiday temptation.

But you know, there are going to be lots of holidays in between, and ordinary days and various celebrations and treats that I'm going to have to face. The difference is, do I want to face it now when I'm trying to heal.

Now if I had a open wound, I'd clean it up, put ointment on it, and then cover it with a band aide, I wouldn't just sit there look at it then pour salt on it. Well that's how I'm looking at my weight, I'm healing and learning and trying to become more healthy, eating peach upside down cake or anything else that I shouldn't be whilst I'm on this program will be like pouring salt on a open wound. Ouch And I won't do it!

Yeah, it's a given that I'm going to have to use every ounce of strenght not to eat a single piece of it. Or reach for a bun or a baked potato, but I think that if I plan for the barbecue in terms of what I'm going to eat. I'll do just fine.

Barbeque I can eat the chicken, fish and shrimp that I know will be there, and if need be I'll carry my own salad and dressing. I'll bring my own lemon and splenda to make lemonade or hot lemon water. And I'll make my own Sugar Free jello and nuts or cheese as a snack. I'll pack and prepare what's good for me, so that I don't leave myself open to eat what's not.

My mind is made up..... How empowering to stand firm.

Oh yeah my measurements. Well I took them and they aren't good by any means. But I'll post them now anyway, and yes I will have to get to the gym for them to measure me correctly, because I don't like what I see here. So when I get those measurements we'll compare the two.

But for now drum roll please..... Spike

Neck 17 inches

Bust 48 inches

Left Upper arm 19 inches

Waist 45 inches

Hips 48 inches (My waist is only 3 inches smaller than my hips)

Left Thigh 29 inches

Left Calf 20 inches

Left ankle 12 inches.

BMI 39.9

Ain't nothing more to say about those figures accept THEY HAVE GOT TO CHANGE!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


3 3 3 Bouncy 4 So it's day 3 on South Beach.

First of all let me say that I didn't go to the gym, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Put my actions where my words are, and I will I promise. But yesterday after I finished work, I went with my daughter to check out a baby sitter for the new baby.

And even though I had packed my gym bag I didn't bring it with me to work. So all I will say is that I intend to get back to the gym and when I do I will ask one of the trainers to weigh, measure and take my BMI and I'll post them then.

But in the meantime, I'll take my measurements at home tonight, and use a online calculator to determine my Body Mass.

Day two on the beach wasn't half bad despite, trying to dodge countless plates of corn on the cob. Oh my goodness it seemed that everyone in my family had one, and they smelled and looked so good that trust me I was tempted. But I'm tired of saying that the devil made me do it Devil So I remained strong and resisted the temptation, and today I can proudly say that I did not succumb to salty buttered corn. Laugh

Now when it came to dinner, which was a broiled lamb chop and salad, I almost licked the freeken plate it tasted so good. Could it be that It's now, that I have a real appreciation for FOOD?

In terms of noticeable difference. I don't feel overly stuffed, and my stomach feels like a slowly deflating balloon. Balloon I ate a piece of gum which had sugar in it and it tasted different in fact I go as far as to say that I got a sugar fix that eased my headache, yeah I know from a stick of gumBelly Laugh oh ROTFL well, even if it's mind over matter, I don't feel the bloat that I did three days ago, and that's a good feeling.

So I'll proceed with the plan and see what one week on the Beach will do for me.
3 days down 4 more days go until next weigh in.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Tanny Weighing Dieting ChefToday was day one on the beach. I weighed in butt naked and having pee-ed, at a weight of 232.5 lbs yikes! My goal is to get to a weight of 155 lbs, and reevaluate my weight loss goals in terms of whether or not I want to go for 145 lbs, once I reach my goal of 155.

I've decided to go back to the gym even though truthfully I don't want to, but I figure that butt naked weighing only tells one side of the story. So I'll post my gym weight with work out cloths on, on a scale that isn't moved all over the place hoping to find that perfect place on the floor that makes me weigh less. Embarrassed I'll have my measurements and BMI taken also and the truth as given by the gym representative will be the Monthly Weight Loss marker.

But my home weight will be my weekly. Does that make sense?

So I want to lose a total of 77.5 lbs

I can do this. I know I can.


FOOD - Breakfast: scrambled eggs with a two sausage patties. (I read SB and I ate one too many so that won't happen again.) One cup of hot lemon water with 2 packs of splenda.

LUNCH - One whole Chicken breast with skin, salad greens and salad dressing. I glass of lemonade made with lemon juice, and splenda.

SNACK - 6 large Shrimp, a few nuts.

DINNER - Fish fried in canola oil and green french cut beans cooked with butter and 2 packets of splenda. sprayed with dressing and sprinkled with butter buds.

SNACK - Sugar free jello.

I think I've managed to get in my eight glasses of water, my mistake was that although I was drinking I wasn't counting.

So that's it folks. Day one done.

Truthfully it wasn't too hard, I enjoyed my green beans and home made lemonade without regular sugar. I think I'll give myself a thumbs up! Thumbs Up