Happy 4
th of July!
Well, not only is it the 4
th of July, but today is also prove
I'm Not A Dumbbell Day because, if I don't it will be so easy for me to undo all the hard work that I've put into the last full 3 days on South Beach.
It's tempting to chow down on a day like this, because it's basically what's expected, but here I am seriously having to question
whether or not an expectation that's going to sabotage my best effort is worth it. Hmm.
Now I know that there will be tons of food, hell I'm even going to bake a peach upside down cake and for a couple of day I found myself dealing with should I or shouldn't I bake the cake, then sample a small piece or eat a large piece because it's a holiday temptation.
But you know, there are going to be lots of holidays in between, and ordinary days and various celebrations and treats that I'm going to have to face. The difference is, do I want to face it now when I'm trying to heal.
Now if I had a open wound, I'd clean it up, put ointment on it, and then cover it with a band aide, I wouldn't just sit there look at it then pour salt on it. Well that's how I'm looking at my weight, I'm healing and learning and trying to become more healthy, eating peach upside down cake or anything else that I shouldn't be whilst I'm on this program will be like pouring salt on a open wound.
And I won't do it!
Yeah, it's a given that I'm going to have to use every ounce of strenght not to eat a single piece of it. Or reach for a bun or a baked potato, but I think that if I plan for the barbecue in terms of what I'm going to eat. I'll do just fine.
I can eat the chicken, fish and shrimp that I know will be there, and if need be I'll carry my own salad and dressing. I'll bring my own lemon and splenda to make lemonade or hot lemon water. And I'll make my own Sugar Free jello and nuts or cheese as a snack. I'll pack and prepare what's good for me, so that I don't leave myself open to eat what's not.
My mind is made up..... How empowering to stand firm.
Oh yeah my measurements. Well I took them and they aren't good by any means. But I'll post them now anyway, and yes I will have to get to the gym for them to measure me correctly, because I don't like what I see here. So when I get those measurements we'll compare the two.
But for now drum roll please.....
Neck 17 inches
Bust 48 inches
Left Upper arm 19 inches
Waist 45 inches
Hips 48 inches (My waist is only 3 inches smaller than my hips)
Left Thigh 29 inches
Left Calf 20 inches
Left ankle 12 inches.
BMI 39.9
Ain't nothing more to say about those figures accept THEY HAVE GOT TO CHANGE!