Over the years I can't tell you how many diet's I've tried and how many I've invested in and wished from the moment I had the program in hand, that I hadn't.
Truthfully at times the diets that I tried didn't fail me, I failed because from day one on most of the plans, I knew I would. I'd expect a quick fix with quick results, by now of course I know that those expectations were pretty stupid thinking on my part, hell, I'm a living testimony that quick fixes do not work. Then of course I'd try weight loss plans that outline your meals for you, and knowing that I'm not going to eat or drink soy based food items, cottage cheese, oatmeal and that there is no way I'm going to chow down on barley loaf stuffed with chick peas.
will someone for the Love of God, please tell me why I'd fork out cash on a program that doesn't often you any substitutions?
Now, if I had to say which weight loss programs gave me the most success, I'd have to say, the 1994 version of the Weight Watchers plan was top of the list, LA Weight Loss Centers second and Deal A Meal last but not least coming in at a third. And so if I had to say why I was successful on them, I'd have to be straight up honest and say that the plans worked because I had made up my mind to abide by the rules that's it, plain and simple.
I was enthused and hopeful, something clicked and made sense and I wanted IT, the diet to work, In fact I'd go as far as to say that you couldn't pry me off the programs once I was on it, I was slowly living the before and after existence and as I watched the numbers on the scale go down, the thrill that I got from gradually getting smaller superseded that of wanting to pig out or cheat.
Suddenly I didn't mind the taste of lettuce, I mentally placed my thoughts towards food, in the zone where there were no thoughts about food. It was one exchange for another and on the 3 programs each paid off.
But, a diet only traps the beast, and once it escapes which you know it will, all food breaks loose and it's on along with the pounds you lost plus some. No, diets don't work, but they can make you think they do, just like quick fixes. What works is mentally changing your way of thinking towards food and making those changes fit a new life style. Where instead of having a relationship with food, you start to have a relationship with yourself.
Like the title of the book says, He's just not into you, well Food just isn't into you either, you can't live to eat, you have to eat to live, and if I'm honest, that was the difference that made the weight loss possible every time I lost large amounts of weight, I got that, but what I failed to get was a handle on my emotions, the golden key that releases the beast from it's place of imprisonment within me.
Since joining Weight Watchers back in '94, I can't remember how many times I've rejoined since, or for that matter how many variations of the plan I've tried to follow each time I did. But I do know that I've rejoined LA Weight Loss Centers a total of 3 times that isn't a easy chunk of change to throw away on a whim. Especially when your not rich by any means and living pay check to pay check.
Deal A Meal hmm, I invested in that program a total of 3 times, twice with the cards and once with the Food Move Over gadget that replaced the cards.
I'd laugh but it's not funny, when I think about it seriously, all it proves is that I'm constantly searching for a quick fix to make loosing weight easy and a no brainer. Who am I kidding? Weight loss isn't easy, if it were we wouldn't be blogging about it, because we'd all have a handle on our struggles.
So, since I've vented, what plan am I going to follow this time? Well, it's got to be the tried and tested no quick fixes you put in what you get out one of the three. I've thought about bringing my behind back to Weight Watchers, but I don't want to put another red dime on the counter especially knowing that I'm already struggling to get my behind to the gym as it is, without adding additional pressure to attend weekly meetings. I can't afford to do L.A Weight Loss Centers, that plus I can't eat another supplement or consume large amounts of protein, my mind is totally not in that zone any more. So, Deal A Meal wins. Can you see Richard Simmons tearing up? Just like the other plans, I know Deal A Meal well, I know it works, I know it allows me the freedom to eat real foods, and that when those cards tally at the end of the day, there is no reason why I should be eating.
So starting tomorrow, it's on, I'm dealing my way to better health, God help me.
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