Shamefully I didn't go to the gym last night. Yeah I know, lowered eyes. Instead I went home, and though I could have, I didn't work out there either, but I did sit and stuff my face with the tiniest bit of salad,
BBQ wings and baked potato whilst I watched my sister get her work out done. I felt bad, hard to believe I know, but it's true, because I knew that she was doing what I needed to be doing, and after all 3 weeks at it, I could see the evidence of what working out really does when you make your mind up to do it. But, since pay day isn't till Thursday, I let the price of gas be the deciding factor on whether I would make a left on the high way or make a right and head on home, needless to say it didn't take long for me to find an excuse that I could get my head around, even though I kicked it around a bit before I sent a email to my friend, seeking approval for my decision, (Now there's another issue) because deep down inside I knew it was a lame excuse, and that excuses like that don't wash, even with me. But what with gas prices being what they are, she completely understood, and suddenly we were trading emails about nation wide gas prices, lack of funds, and how much money we had put into our gas tanks for this week. Then today I decided not to bring my gym bag to work with me, no gym bag, no gym, simple, right? Wrong, because not bringing my gym bag so that I have an excuse not to work out today, doesn't wash either, how could it, when excuses aside, deep down inside,
I WANT TO GO TO THE GYM, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, but hear me out, I can honestly find a hundred reason why I shouldn't go, but here are a few good reasons why I want to go, and I've never had the desire before so I know they count for something. I want to prove that I can do it and stick to it because I don't want to fail. It bothers me that the personal trainer that took me through my free work out session, might notice that I'm M.I.A. And the last thing I want for her to think, is that here comes another
un-used membership holder, wasting her money, and our time. A Quitter who's heart really wasn't into it when she joined. Someone that talks the talk but won't walk the walk, She's fat, terribly unfit and claims to be miserable because of it, yet she won't spend 1 hour a day to do anything about it. No I don't want to be that person, even if these last two days have been about me being just that. I don't want to give up before I've even begun to really get started. And I don't want to feel the way I do now, So Thursday, No lame ass excuses.
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