Sunday, September 23, 2007


Yeah, I know I haven't posted the cholesterol results, hmm not sure why since they were <100 which is really GOOD, in fact the pharmacist said that I won the cookie reward for the day, strange how he didn't produce one after having said it. Anyway I was straving since I hadn't eaten all morning because it was a 12.30 lunch time appointment.

I'm not sure what I ate later on that day.

I'm bigger now than I ever have been, I haven't weighed in, but the need to confirm what I already know to be the truth just isn't there.

I'm going to start a vidoe blog called Changing face. And I'll up load a bulk of them all at once, let you know when though.

Diet....... Hmm I have something up my sleeve.

Will write soon......... I'm still here. Getting a grip!

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