So here I am again, not sure what my weight is for today, but a couple of days ago I weighed in at 233.4 lb's so I would imagine that I'm somewhere in that ball park give or take a pound or two butt naked. Even so I'll weigh in before going to bed and again at the start of my day.
I started my weight loss program today and so far so good. I'm doing deal a meal again, hey I know it works and I know that I can do it without having to do a whole lot of work. I can basically eat whatever I like, and apply a card to it and I like the fact that it is what it is, when the cards or done, or the move it slots are closed, that's it, your done eating. A no brain-er for sure. (I had to purchase deal a meal again, only this time I bid on the food mover pocket calculator because I know I have deal a meal cards in a box, somewhere in the garage) I prefer the cards, but the mover over gadget works just as well. It's just a different angel towards doing the same exact thing.
Anyway, I'll weigh in tomorrow. And I'll start my video blog today.
Ok, Eats:
Breakfast: 1 slice bread, (1 starch) spread of marg. (1 fat) 1 oz 95 % FF deli ham. (1 protein) 1 cup yogurt with aspartame sweetener. (1 milk) 1 glass water. (Getting it down is hard)
Lunch: 1 small fruit cup, ( 1 fruit) 2 slices bread, (2 starch) spread of marg (count as above fat total, 1 tsp) 1 oz 95% FF deli ham. (1 p
Water. (Raving up to drink a glass)
Snack: 1 small side salad. (freebie) FF dressing (1 fat) 1 orange (1 fruit)
On a soda, juices and sugar in my coffee detox for 7 days. Switched to more fat free items, switched from whole milk to 2%
Eating more fruit and vegetables,
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